Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Some Like it Vegan, Some like it NOT!

We all make decisions in our lives for different reason.  To say that I hate meat, chicken, fish, dairy etc… would be to lie to my readers as it would be to lie to myself.  I’m telling you straight up… I started my adventure when I met this girl- that’s right, my life has changed for a girl.  For some reason, the lifestyle is sticking and I’m venturing further into it. 

I guess I should probably start by introducing myself.  Hi, I’m Jenn and I wouldn’t go as far as to say I am a chef but I do know my way around a kitchen.  I’m sure I was blessed with this gift since my grandparents had their own grill while growing up in which they served homemade meals.  When my grandmother passed on, she left all of her children copies of her cookbook and in turn our parents passed it on to us.  I LOVE TO COOK!  That’s all there really is to say about the subject.  I don’t care what it is… I love to cook. 

I dabbled in vegetarianism when I was 18 and fresh out of the hospital and on the road to recovery after fighting anorexia for 2 years.  I figured that this was a way to keep my weight low and to be able to care for the environment and animals.  I belonged to almost every animal rights groups; protested with PETA… so on and so forth.  Unfortunately, with that lifestyle being so new to the community, not many people knew how to do it to make it a healthy way of life.  So, I slowly went back to being a meat eater.  It first started out with Chicken and then Steak and then Pork and just a few short months ago I was eating the entire animal kingdom except for bugs.  Which I hear has outrageous nutrients.  Sorry, blech!  Not my choice. 

Throughout my life thus far, I never really gave a second thought to going back to the vegetarian lifestyle.  I like me a juicy steak on the grill…. And that stuck with me for about a month into our relationship.  Since venturing into my Vegan Lifestyle, I have started a daily practice of Kundalini Yoga and I have lost 20 pounds.  Just from eating right and focusing on the areas that I need to focus. 

Oh yeah…My girl  has her own blog in which EVERYONE should read because she’s funny and her recipes are yummy.  Check it out here!  “Rainbows of Vegan Love!”  Her BFF and family have started into their own vegan adventure and you can check that out here… “The Thierbach VeganAdventure!”  Those are both must reads from my perspective. 

Shortly after the two of us started dating, we were invited to a mutual friends house for a cookout in which they were grilling steak.  I had asked Sheri what they were making for her and she told me that they weren’t making anything for her; that she had to bring her own food because they didn’t know the first thing nor were they willing to learn how to cook for her.  She brought over an amazing vegan crab dip which EVERYONE enjoyed!

On our way home that evening, I voiced how I think if you are going to have a cookout/dinner party and you invite someone over that is Vegan or has a lifestyle change that you should offer them something that they can eat.  You should have SOMETHING to serve them and if you don’t know how then pick up a recipe book or go to the internet.  You shouldn’t make them bring their own food.  At that time, I decided that if we were going to date, that I would learn how to cook for her.  And, well, I did.  Apparently, according to her, I’m darn good at it. 

Now, since I’m not 100% Vegan (I do like my chicken and my meat on very rare occasions) I decided that I was going to create a blog for those of you who may wish to venture into the Vegan lifestyle but were a bit apprehensive and you could see the “Animal Based” meal next to the Vegan version of that meal.  I will have reviews of those meals, as well.

So, sit back, relax and tie those bibs around your neck and get ready to read about some homemade recipes from my kitchen.  Stay tuned because Some like it Vegan and Some like it NOT!

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